Competency Areas of General Education

General Education is an education program that to help in developing the student’s personalities instead of training them as specialists. They are being guided to acquire all of the skills, knowledge and dispositions that are necessary in anticipation to the real world. These abilities include reasoning, communication and others.

What are the competency areas of General Education?

  • Computer Literacy

Computer literacy is the ability of the person in utilizing computers and other related technology effectively. In a world where almost every operation and processes are doe with the help of technology, being computer literate is indeed very important. In fact, there are companies that only hire employees that have the computer skills even just the basic ones. Thus, it is a skill that people needs to possess.

  • Written Communication

It is important to have great oral communication. However, great written communication is important as well. It is necessary to be able to communicate well with other through the use of various means. Written communication can be improved through proper education although it may require more effort and thought. The writing should be able to deliver the message well and should be easy to read so that the person reading it would not have a hard time. Good written communication is needed in order to lessen the chances of misunderstandings and make clear instructions so that the person reading it would be able to accomplish the right task with ease.

  • Problem solving/Critical Thinking

These two are related with each other for a person that possesses great critical thinking skills can solve problems where logic is needed. While some might think that they do not need it, that is not the case. Some employers nowadays give importance and shows interest in a person’s ability to solve problems and think critically rather than their college major.

  • Information Literacy

Education including Information Literacy promotes thinking skills and approaches to problem solving. This includes the processes of asking certain question and finding the answers for these questions. It also includes finding the needed information, forming their own opinions, evaluating all of the sources and finally, arriving with their decision. This helps in helping the students become effective contributors, successful learners, confident individuals and most importantly, responsible citizens.

  • Oral Communication

This skill deals with the ability of a person to communicate with others orally. A person having this skill is capable of interacting with the other person confidently. This can help people to have an improved performance in their studies, a higher chance of being employed and having more employment options, enhanced professional competence and improved personal effectiveness. There have been studies conducted that states that companies and employers looks for a person that can listen and understand well, speaks directly and clearly, negotiates responsibly, reads independently, persuades effectively in which a person with great oral communication skill has.

These are just some of the competency areas of General Education and each one of them is extremely important for both in the work and real world. A person having all these would be able to survive any difficulties and will surely find success in life.