Online Teaching for Higher Education

The public sector of the higher education in the United States is getting too short from resources. The State is continuing to cut the appropriations in consideration to the fiscal constraints as well as pressures that can be spend more on other things like retirement expenses and health care. A higher tuition will be able to skip the valve, but there is a bigger concern about the level of tuition that is increasing among those students and their families as well as the attendant of the political reverberations. Denouncing the rise of tuition fees has been called on to universities and colleges to control the cost. The proposed solution is to withhold the access to federal programs for the universities and colleges that do not comply with the issues of affordability.

The cost of education in the K to 12 curricula is lesser than on the higher education. The financial crisis that happened in the United States had slowdown the economic growth. The expenditure of each pupil on the elementary and secondary levels has risen steadily. The school personnel’s hired for each 100 students have doubled between the years 1960 to the 21st century’s first decade.

In the previous years, the values of the local properties have faced an intensifying pressure. As a result of it, the expenditure for each pupil shows a decline and the ratios of the pupil to teacher begun to climb upward. Because of the rise of the cost of the teachers and school administrators, the squeeze on the districts of school is expecting to continue.

The use of technology in teaching is seen as a promising way in controlling the costs while there is a reduction in the gaps of achievement and improvement. The growth of online teaching particularly in the higher level of education is cited as an evidence of the educational progress.

However, there is a concern about the kind of online learning that is of low quality. Aside from that, online learning also depersonalizes the way of teaching the students. It is very much important to know that online learning comes in a variety of ways. It ranges from the simple taping of the lectures, posting them in the online websites that offers access anytime, uploading of teaching materials like homework, assignments, syllabi as well as examinations in the internet. It also level up to the high interactive learning materials and systems that are making use of cognitive tutors and taking advantages with the number of loops in the feedback. Online learning is free to use in teaching the kinds of subjects to the different number of populations in a more diverse setting of institution.

But despite the potential that online learning offers to reduce the cost of instruction, there is still evidence with regards to the learning outcome of the students who receive online instruction. There are only few students who look at online learning as large introduction in the courses offered at public institutions.