Special Education and General Education

Since there is already lacking phenomena on the qualified manpower and specialized resources within general education, it is already recommended that the various districts having ELL should put these students in special education. As a matter of fact, a research which is then conducted by Jesus Salazar, Alfredo Artiles, Robert Rueda and Ignacio Higareda in California strongly suggest that ELL or English language learners are being placed unreasonably on disability programs.

Based on the history, subjective disabilities are being overpopulated right on the national level of the ethnic minority students most especially by American Indian and African American learners. This is all explained by Christopher Cross and Suzanne Donovan. Its categories include mild mental retardation or MMR, learning disabilities, as well as emotional or behavioural disorder or E/BD. The overrepresentation of ELL already exists these past decades, which is further elaborated by James Yates and Alba Ortiz within their chapter on “English Language Learners with Special Needs”.

It is also good to know that though teachers for general education are utilizing disability diagnoses as one of the ways so they can cope up with the different contemporary reforms, special education is been changing its identification which comes from preventive approaches and inclusive education movement. Certainly, there would be more disabled students that are now educated within general education rooms though, according to some reports sometimes, ethnic minority students are being separated from White counterparts. As a response, preventive models like RTI or also known as “response to intervention” assured to determine and at the same time treat as soon as possible.

Such new trends give way on the creation of unprecedented and unique condition on the education of the ELLs. This coverage refers on special education program’s legal background, which is geared on linguistic and cultural diversity of the students being designated by the ELL’s as well as the implication particularly for evaluation or assessment, education program’s inclusive and curriculum planning.

Because of our evolving society, it cause also to change its perception over disabilities specifically individuals which affects speech and hearing. Those children with such conditions may opt on their special needs as well as with their general education requirements. Currently, various researchers have discovered that disabled pre-schoolers affecting their communication skills proves great improvements if they are being placed on classrooms with individuals which has excellent communication skills. These studies simply suggest that when students are mainstreamed, it provides them the chance to be active in a certain general education environment and let them overwhelmed their impairments. But, those students experiencing language disability didn’t get the same result, which only shows that there are some drawbacks if educators did not give enough attention on the unique need of every student.

Special schools, which offer general education, provide personalized and customized solution and support for everyone. With this setting, educators who undergo trainings may help students having such disability to adopt this specialized way of educating. This way, we are helping everyone obtain education without hindrance.